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What is equal employment opportunity?
Equal employment opportunity (EEO) is a government-mandated set of rules that requires all employers to treat applicants and employees equally, regardless of their individual characteristics such as race and sex. Equal employment opportunity protects candidates and employees from any discrimination at the workplace and allows for legal action against employers that do not comply with it.
EEO also protects the employees against discrimination in promotions, pay, benefits, or discharge/termination.
Not to be confused with:
diversity management
Diversity management is the practice of hiring diverse talent to promote inclusion and equity in the workplace.
affirmative action
Affirmative action is a policy adopted to overcome the effects of past practices or barriers to equal employment.
Not to be confused with:
diversity management
Diversity management is the practice of hiring diverse talent to promote inclusion and equity in the workplace.
affirmative action
Affirmative action is a policy adopted to overcome the effects of past practices or barriers to equal employment.
diversity management
Diversity management is the practice of hiring diverse talent to promote inclusion and equity in the workplace.
affirmative action
Affirmative action is a policy adopted to overcome the effects of past practices or barriers to equal employment.
diversity management
Diversity management is the practice of hiring diverse talent to promote inclusion and equity in the workplace.
affirmative action
Affirmative action is a policy adopted to overcome the effects of past practices or barriers to equal employment.
Diversity management is the practice of hiring diverse talent to promote inclusion and equity in the workplace. It aims to acknowledge individual differences and works on the principle of appreciating differences rather than simply tolerating them. Unlike EEO, is it initiated internally, relies on the employer’s ethics, and there is no law which mandates diversity.
Affirmative action is a policy adopted to overcome the effects of past practices or barriers to equal employment. It ensures fair access to employment opportunities and a workforce that accurately reflects the demographics of a relevant job market. Though EEO is closely related to affirmative action, the latter works on the concept of equity and actively supports those who have been discriminated against in the past.
What are the best practices for EEOC compliance?
Acknowledge and address bias
Bias against certain groups can exist within several organizations and the first step is for employers to acknowledge this. While there are several things one can do to truly walk the talk when it comes to DE&I, checking hiring software for bias and being more inclusive when it comes to a time-off policy, are good starting points.
Ensure accessibility
Accessibility accommodation is an important criterion for EEO compliance. Installing ramps and similar infrastructure to help employees with physical disabilities and offering well-being assistance to employees with mental health issues are all a part of ensuring accessibility.
Encourage affirmative action plans
An affirmative action plan outlines the steps an employer should take to proactively recruit employees from groups that aren't the dominant ones in their workplace. Having such plans in place and implementing them is an essential part of EEO compliance.