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Drive enterprise transformation
with Leena AI
Drive enterprise transformation with Leena AI
Discover the potential of Leena AI’s WorkLMTM and generative AI to revolutionize
your enterprise's digital transformation journey with a work assistant.
Discover the potential of Leena AI’s WorkLMTM and generative AI to revolutionize your enterprise's digital transformation journey with a work assistant.
Trusted by global Fortune 500 enterprises
Transformative results: empowering businesses through digital innovation
1.4%productivity to be increased globally with the us of AI and Automation. AI and automation could increase productivity growth globally by 0.8 to 1.4 percent annually.
Report by McKinsey
25% of digital workers will adopt virtual personal assistants by 2024, up from just 2% in 2019, increasing their productivity by up to 30%.
Report by Gartner
86%of companies believe that AI will be mainstream in their enterprises in the next five years.
Report by Forrester
Drive success with AI-powered intelligence and analytics
Accelerate digital transformation with Leena AI
With Leena AI, organizations can harness the full potential of their digital transformation initiatives. Gain valuable insights into specific processes, uncover optimization opportunities, and drive informed decision-making. Leverage the advanced capabilities of Generative AI to unlock actionable intelligence and propel your digital transformation journey.
Talk to the experts
Unlock the potential of a future-ready employee experience
Cutting edge LLMs
Cutting edge LLMsLeena AI's proprietary LLMs are trained on a wealth of financial data, enabling the platform to comprehend complex financial concepts and terminology with unmatched accuracy and speed.
Omnipresent on all channels
Omnipresent on all channelsLeena AI is available on all your preferred communication channels such as email, phone, social media, etc. and provides a consistent customer experience across various devices and platforms based on your preferences.
Multilingual support
Multilingual supportLeena AI is equipped with multilingual capabilities, enabling it to comprehend and address customer inquiries in over 100 languages. This ensures that customers can receive support in their preferred language and have a smooth experience.
Security guardrails for protection
Security guardrails for protectionLeena AI implements security measures to verify the source of responses, maintain enterprise security, and adhere to privacy policies while utilizing advanced LLMs.
Seamless Integrations for Enhanced Functionality
See all integrations
Industry recognition and customer trust: A testament to our excellence
Leena AI is recognized by Gartner as a major vendor in the following categories:
AI Applications in IT Service Management
Virtual Assistant
Employee Experience Tech Orchestrators
Integrated HR Service Management
Onboarding Software
Conversational AI Solutions
Leena AI has been featured in Gartner’s 2023 Market Guide for Artificial Intelligence Applications in IT Service Management.
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Multi-faceted approach to security and compliance
Leena AI is GDPR compliant
Compliant to SOC2, 27001, 27017, 27018, 27701
We offer secure data hosting on Amazon Web Services & MS Azure Cloud Services
Servers globally present in US, Europe, Middle East, among other geos

Frequently asked questions

Have a question that is not answered? You can contact us at support@leena.ai

What is a work assistant powered by generative AI?

A work assistant powered by generative AI uses advanced language models and natural language processing to provide assistance to users.

How can a work assistant help in digital transformation?

A work assistant can automate repetitive tasks, streamline operations, improve customer experience, optimize costs, increase employee productivity, and enhance decision making, resulting in a successful digital transformation.

Can a work assistant provide personalized solutions to customers?

Yes, a work assistant powered by generative AI can provide personalized solutions to customers by understanding their needs and providing relevant recommendations.

How long does it take to implement a work assistant in an enterprise?

The implementation time for a work assistant depends on the complexity of the enterprise's processes, but with our expertise, we can provide a seamless implementation process.

Is it possible to integrate a work assistant with other enterprise systems?

Yes, our work assistant can be integrated with other enterprise systems such as CRM, ERP, and HRMS, to provide a comprehensive solution for enterprise digital transformation.
Discover the power of Leena AI virtual assistant.
Discover the power of Leena AI virtual assistant.