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How to reduce 70% employee tickets
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Transform your employee experience with AI-powered chatbots
Most trained HR chatbot with excellent accuracyAI chatbots equipped with natural language understanding automatically answer your employees' queries, help employees raise tickets in real-time, and make HR workflows super smooth.
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PilarPilar is your 24x7 available IT and admin service desk. "Got a broken keyboard?", "Coffee machine on your floor not working?" Just ping Pilar and it will inform the person in charge and keep you posted about the progress on your request.Languages: English (US), English (UK), Spanish
India, United States, LATAM
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CaliCali know what it feels like answering repetitive queries when you know you can utilise this time for some productive things. How frustrating it can be when someone asks you to do something else when you are in the middle of another.Languages: English (UK), Vietnamese
India, United States, S.E.A
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SameepSameep is your employee engagement and feedback buddy. It helps you share a piece of your mind with your manager and the People Management team. You can have all your honest and candid conversations about the workplace with Sameep. Sameep is your new water cooler buddy!Languages: English (US), Vietnamese, Arabic
Middle East, SEA, Australia
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Leena AILeena AI is your universal virtual assistant that can help you with case management, employee engagement, and surveys. It is the most intelligent AI bot that comes with Natural Language Understanding. Leena is the Siri equivalent for employees.Languages: English, Hindi, French and 10 more languages
Get started with AI-powered chatbots for your workplace