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How to reduce 70% employee tickets
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Save 70% time on HR tickets
Save 70% time on HR tickets
Auto-resolve HR queries and requests with a Gen AI-powered
employee assistant.
Auto-resolve HR queries and requests with a Gen AI-powered employee assistant.
Trusted by global Fortune 500 enterprises
Customer outcomes today. Make them yours tomorrow
95%decrease in turnaround times for employee queries
80%reduction in employees time to access day-to-day information
60%more time at HR team’s disposal for higher-order activities
Unlock the potential of a future-ready employee experience
100+ Languages
100+ LanguagesEmployees of every region irrespective of their language can access the Generative AI assistant capabilities thereby promoting glocal employee engagement
Enterprise-grade data security
Enterprise-grade data securityEmployee information is safe and securely handled as per enterprise standards & confidentiality of conversations always remains under control
Omni-channelEmployees can utilize their favorite enterprise communication platform, device or messaging channel to access generative AI responses or create information requests.
Seamless integration
Seamless integrationLeena AI works on top of existing enterprise platforms including all major HRIS/HRMS and other HR systems to maximize every system functionality
Seamless Integrations for Enhanced Functionality
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Showcase real business impact from HR outcomes 
Leena AI goes beyond HR insights and can uncover business-level insights from HR outcomes, offering HR stakeholders to showcase the impact of their organization and push for increased focus on future initiatives. It relates metrics such as employee engagement levels to impact on revenue growth and retention levels to new product lines ideated. With generative AI, fully measure your HR practices for effective management.
Talk to the experts
Industry recognition and customer trust: A testament to our excellence
Leena AI is recognized by Gartner as a major vendor in the following categories:
AI Applications in IT Service Management
Virtual Assistant
Employee Experience Tech Orchestrators
Integrated HR Service Management
Onboarding Software
Conversational AI Solutions
Leena AI has been featured in Gartner’s 2023 Market Guide for Artificial Intelligence Applications in IT Service Management.
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Multi-faceted approach to security and compliance
Leena AI is GDPR compliant
Compliant to SOC2, 27001, 27017, 27018, 27701
We offer secure data hosting on Amazon Web Services & MS Azure Cloud Services
Servers globally present in US, Europe, Middle East, among other geos

Frequently asked questions

Have a question that is not answered? You can contact us at support@leena.ai

What are optimal HR experiences?

When HR organizations are able to deliver experiences that employees today experience with seamless services and engagement from popular mainstream services like Netflix, Amazon or GrubHub, we can consider them optimal. Thanks to HR tech platforms like Leena AI now enriched by generative AI powered by multiple LLMs including its proprietary model, organizations can deliver HR experiences today that were once considered possible only in the future.

How can we improve HR experiences for employees & HR agents?

Humans have and have always been at the heart of delivering employee experience levels that we know of today, and will remain central to these outcomes. But with generative AI offering human-level reasoning and logic, agents can now offload even mid- to complex-level cases to Gen AI-powered vendors like Leena AI to deliver HR experiences employees have never experienced or imagined before. Underlying tools and capabilities such as enterprise-grade employee engagement, ticketing, knowledge & document management, onboarding & offboarding, along with powerful workflow automations all contribute to elevated HR experiences.

How is GPT & AI improving employee experiences in HR?

GPT powers generative AI capabilities that improve HR employee experiences by:
  • Delivering human-level logical and comprehensive responses to the most complicated or advanced HR queries
  • Creating knowledge when gaps are detected, pulling data and signals from existing or even external sources to construct official, legally-compliant documents from the ground up
  • Finding ticket context for agents to resolve tickets better and personalize tickets per employee
  • Identifying top ticket red flags and compiling them into concise report formats for quick review and addressal by HR ticket stakeholders or HR management

How can organizations ensure consistent HR experiences are delivered across geos, teams and operating models?

Organizations cannot deliver similar experiences using disparate tools and disconnected data sets or document systems that vary across region or department, in firms operating globally. For this, adding a conversational AI layer that can follow pre-configured company guidelines that align employee experiences globally and orchestrate outcomes by using data and processes from existing HR systems is the best way to deliver consistent, seamless HR experiences. Try Leena AI, that can deliver unified employee experiences for HR.
Discover the power of Leena AI virtual assistant
Discover the power of Leena AI virtual assistant